Alarm bells ring loudly for me when I put together three findings from CIPD’s recently published Resourcing and Talent Planning Survey 2020. These findings show that skills shortages – especially in professional, technical and management jobs – exist in spite of surplus applicants overall. However, although firms recognise that in-house development is the key approach to overcome these skills shortages, they also report that
cuts to talent development budgets are likely in 2021.
Skills shortages could seriously impact our ability to deal with the two key challenges ahead:
Brexit, and coming out of the COVID-19 era, which is hopefully going to gather pace as next year progresses, requiring us to do new things in new ways. At the moment, it is as though we have our foot on the brake. As we accelerate and move up a gear, skills shortages may just keep us in a traffic jam.
I fully recognise, of course, that budgets must be tightened at this time but cutting development is a false economy. The answer is not just to find the most cost-effective solutions but also to target development where and in ways that it will have the most advantageous impact.
At Scala, we have designed practical, creative development solutions that work and that you can customise to your suit the needs of your business and, importantly, that you can also adapt to each individual and thus make sure you invest where you will get the best return.
Get in touch with us at Scala to discuss how we can help you develop targeted talent solutions
Let’s Talk©Janice Caplan 2020