Make check-in conversations manageable

I have just finished guest lecturing on performance management at Kingston Business School. As in previous years, the students were outstanding and we had some great discussions. I particularly want to share with you ideas from our discussion about how to get managers...

Talent Management Takeaways

  My visit to the University of Tartu in Estonia inspired me on so many different levels. As I wrote last week, the sheer determination of the people to excel is striking, and I was so impressed by the high standards they achieve.   For my part, it is always...

Happy Holidays

 A big thank you for following us over the first six months of publication of this newsletter. There is a bewildering array of stuff out there, and our aim has been to choose the topics, and the thinkers that offer the most useful insights to help you manage...

Janice Caplan at the University of Tartu

I have just returned from a fantastic experience presenting my talent management methodology and ideas at a conference at the University of Tartu in Estonia. I was so inspired by how a university in a country of just 1.3 million inhabitants transformed itself...