Coaching Skills for Managers
Become a Great Manager, Coach and Mentor
Online Course Description
The skills we discuss and practice in this module represent a form of dialogue
that uses enquiry and knowledge sharing in day-to-day conversations, in meetings, and in formal and informal situations. The aim is to encourage the other person to find their own solutions and do things their own way. We call this a ‘coaching style.’
A ‘coaching style’ enhances effectiveness in many situations; mentoring, leading people, managing client relationships and more.
This style is in direct contrast to a directive one where the manager, peer or mentor has the answer and tells the other person how it should be done.
This practical, interactive module is for managers, team leaders and others who recognise that coaching skills, or a coaching style enable better leadership, team working, relationship management and so many other interpersonal relationships including being a mentor. Our aim is to provide you with guidance, resources, frameworks and templates so that you can self-manage your learning, whether this is to develop your own coaching or mentoring skills or help others to do so.

Course Content & Outcomes
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the course, you will
- Have developed the basic skills to enable you to become a great manager – coach or mentor.
Course content
In this self-managed course, we discuss and practise the skills required for a coaching style: active listening, giving feedback, supporting development, goal setting.
- we consider different uses of a coaching style, looking especially at leadership
- we provide practical resources to help you develop your coaching style, or to help others to do so
- we outline a process for coaching and for mentoring
- we give tips and guides on preparing for and structuring the critical conversations that enhance performance and strengthen relationships.
Who will teach you?
Janice Caplan | HR consultant, author, coach-mentor, University governor and HR committee chair, former CIPD Vice-President
- A rich mix of content media including text and video
This provides a highly interactive engagement experience, enabling you to choose learning options that best suit your preferences
- Real-life case studies and scenarios
These are a key feature of the course, bringing all issues to life, generating discussion, and helping develop new perspectives. Although they are optional, working through significantly enhances understanding
- Skills-based activities
These guide you through immediate application at work, enabling you to implement learning as you go
- Discussion forum
Here you can share thoughts and ideas with and seek help from other delegates.
Who is this course suitable for?
Anyone who recognises the value of coaching skills to enhance their relationships at work.
The course can be adapted for group work and combined with classroom sessions.
Approximately six hours of online study, plus time to implement ideas at the workplace.
Customised versions
The course material can be purchased outright to add to your own material and teaching.
We can customise the course to your purposes.