CIPD’s recently published Resourcing and Talent Planning Survey Report 2020 confirms what many of us expected at this time: businesses have reduced recruitment activity, applicant numbers have increased significantly, but skills shortages persist. Moreover, it appears that there is still room for improvement when it comes to the use of data to inform resourcing decisions.
A key recommendation from CIPD is that to “maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of resourcing strategies, it is critical to collect and evaluate data and then to strengthen approaches based on the insights gained.”
This coincides very well with the ongoing:
Pinsight Research Study
Which is tackling many of the issues raised by the CIPD report and that could provide more insights into which progressive practices are the most effective. Respondents will receive the Pinsight report and we will compare and contrast findings with CIPD survey findings to suggest key actions to solve the talent paradox.
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©Janice Caplan 2020